Canadian Biomass Magazine

Majors announce progress in advanced biofuels

March 4, 2014
By Scott Jamieson

March 4, 2014, Orlando, FL - The National Ethanol Conference shared news of advances in next-generation or cellulosic biofuels, with executives from major suppliers and innovators providing technology and commercialization updates.

During the National Ethanol Conference,
representatives of four leading companies talked about how advanced
ethanol is here at last. Moderated by Advanced Ethanol Council executive director Brooke Coleman, the panelists included Chris Standlee with
Abengoa; Kenneth Hill with DuPont Cellulosic Ethanol; Delayne Johnson,
CEO of Quad County Corn Processors; and Steve Hartig, Licensing General
Manager for POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels, LLC.

For details on each of these suppliers' advances, visit this report on

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