Canadian Biomass Magazine

Manitoba backing move from coal to biomass

March 3, 2014
By Scott Jamieson

March 3, 2014, Steinbach, MB -  As part of the province’s commitment to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, 20 farms and agri businesses across the province are receiving more than $444,000 in grants to switch from coal to biomass heating systems.

According to a report on, this announcement was made by Agriculture, Food and
Rural Development Minister Ron Kostyshyn and Conservation and Water
Stewardship Minister Gord Mackintosh.


“Manitoba’s plan to increase biomass energy is creating good, green
jobs in rural Manitoba and adding value for Manitoba farmers,” said
Minister Kostyshyn.  “We are reducing our carbon footprint while
supporting the growth and long-term sustainability of many rural


Successful projects received up to half the cost of capital or
infrastructure upgrades to a maximum of $50,000 through the Manitoba
Biomass Energy Support Program. Sixteen grants will help farms convert
from coal to renewable biomass energy. The other four recipients are
processors who will use the funding to improve capacity and efficiency
in their businesses.


Tri J Industries, a sawmill near the town of Riding Mountain,
received more than $32,000 to purchase processing equipment that will
support its expansion into woodchip biomass.


“The demand for woodchip biomass is growing and this grant will help
our company grow along with it,” said John Janzen, a partner in Tri J
Industries. “We have always sold firewood in our business, but now we
will also be able to produce woodchips to sell to the local market and
diversify our company.”


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