Canadian Biomass Magazine

Map shows algae biomass facilities

April 17, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

April 17, 2013, Washington, DC - A new map of the algae industry published online by the Algae Biomass Organization (ABO) shows algae production facilities and research projects stretching from coast to coast.

The map illustrates a nationwide
opportunity for a new and growing industry that is moving to supply the
U.S. with algae-derived renewable fuels, feeds, fertilizers, chemicals
and other products. The new map was revealed today at the Advanced
Biofuels Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. and is available here.

"When you see a visual display like this you get a real feel for how
far reaching is today's algae industry. Algae entrepreneurs,
researchers, companies and projects come from every corner of the United
States," said Mary Rosenthal, executive director of the ABO. "Our
members are proving algae can produce a wide variety of products, grow
in wide range of climates, and provide economic benefits to rural and
urban areas without harmful impacts on our land or fresh water."

The algae industry map shows the locations of algae-related companies,
research institutions, national laboratories, demonstration and
commercial projects and other efforts undertaken by ABO members and
non-members alike. ABO will continually update the map as new companies,
projects and research are unveiled.

A recent ABO survey of more than 470 algae industry contacts shows
that 67 percent of algae producers said they plan to expand capacity in
2013, and more than 95 percent of producers believe that algae-based
fuels may be able to compete with fossil fuels as soon as 2020. The
results are similar to expansion and price expectations reported in the
same survey conducted last year.

Products made from algae are the natural solution to the energy, food,
economic, and climate challenges facing our world today. Algae have the
power to simultaneously put fuels in our vehicles, recycle CO2, provide
nutrition for animals and people and create jobs for millions of
Americans. More information can be found at

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