Canadian Biomass Magazine

Massachusetts museum building biomass boiler

December 16, 2011
By David Manly

Dec. 16, 2011, North Adams, MA - The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art is retiring its old coal boiler system and replacing it with one that runs on wood pellets.

Dec. 16, 2011, North Adams, MA – The Massachusetts Museum of
Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) is retiring its old coal boiler systems and
will be replacing it with one that runs on wood pellets.

Biomass Power and Thermal reports that the pellets will be provided by New England Wood Pellet to heat the 2 million Btu boiler starting in February. The old coal boiler will receive an approximately $200,000 retro-fit by Cannon Design to run on biomass, which will make it the first in the country to do so.

“The lead time on these projects is sometimes two years out,” says Averill Cook, president and founder of Biomass Commodities, which will be transporting the biomass to MASS MoCA. “So you have to have a lot of projects in your basket to
secure your future business.”

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