Canadian Biomass Magazine

Meadow Lake Bioenergy Centre taking off

February 19, 2012
By Scott Jamieson

Feb 19, 2012, Meadow Lake, Sask. - Engineers are designing the $150 million Meadow Lake Bioenergy Centre that will be built on 10 acres of land at Norsask Forest Products east of the city.

The site will be prepared this
summer and the majority of construction done in 2013 on the structure
that will burn wood by-products to produce enough green energy to power
36,000 homes.

“We’re very focused on it,” said Ben Voss, president and CEO of resource development for Meadow Lake Tribal Council.

MLTC signed a 25-year agreement with SaskPower in 2011 to sell the utility power.

Read the full story here.

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