Canadian Biomass Magazine

Nova Scotia Power tenders for biomass supply

September 25, 2012
By Argus Media

September 25, 2012, Halifax, NS — Electricity supplier Nova Scotia Power (NSPI) is inviting bids for biomass supply to its 60MW Point Tupper biomass-fired power project, the utility said.

NSPI is trying to gauge interest from across the supply chain, including fuel delivery and processing contractors. The under-construction plant is expected to be on line by spring 2013. Bids are due on 5 October.

Eligible fuel sources include bark, sawmill residuals, wood construction waste, agricultural waste and fuel chips from forestry operations. If biomass is harvested from forestry operations, NSPI will give priority to suppliers with Forest Stewardship Council chain of custody certification. The plant will consume about 500,000 t/yr of woody biomass.'

As a by-product, limited markets for higher-value timber products in the immediate vicinity may make biomass fuel relatively expensive for NSPI, one Canadian biomass supplier said. The plant was originally designed to be collocated next to a New Page paper mill, which was idled last year. New Page announced over the weekend of 22-23 September that it would begin limited production from the idled mill, which could help offset fuel costs at Point Tupper.

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