Canadian Biomass Magazine

NY State to focus more on bioenergy

January 17, 2014
By Scott Jamieson

cuomobioJanuary 17, 2014, Albany, NY - Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s 2014 agenda includes a plan to increase the number of homes and businesses burning biomass for heat. In a report by WRVO (NPR), Cuomo says he wants to cut down the number of homes that use heating oil.

To do that, Cuomo wants to launch a biomass heating program called Renewable Heat NY. Industry advocates argue that
harvesting biomass is better for the local economy because the energy
source is harvested locally, rather than imported via a pipeline. Charlie Neibling, president of the New York Biomass Alliance,
says he’d like to see the number of New Yorkers using biomass increase
by five to 10 percent. He says that falls within what the state could
harvest sustainably.
The target audience for this biomass
initiative would be rural New Yorkers not hooked up to natural gas – and
who rely on propane or other fuels.

Cuomo says the first year of the program would focus primarily on consumer awareness. Read more here.

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