Canadian Biomass Magazine

Ontario tenure & pricing proposal released

May 4, 2010
By Canadian Biomass

Minister Michael GravelleNEWS HIGHLIGHT

Ontario tenure & pricing proposal released
A proposed new approach to Ontario's forest tenure and
pricing is available for public and stakeholder consultation.

  Minister Michael 
  Michael Gravelle, minister of northern
development, mines, and forestry for Ontario, announces a public
consultation for a newly developed forest pricing and tenure

May 4, 2010 – A proposed new approach to forest tenure and pricing could
re-energize Ontario’s forest sector. Recently released for consultation, the
framework is focused on balancing sustainable practices with an environment
which Ontario forest products businesses can succeed. The cornerstone of
framework is the introduction of new Local Forest Management
(LFMCs) to manage Crown forests and oversee the competitive
sale of Crown

Sessions for the public and stakeholders will be held across the province to discuss the

May 18 – Thunder Bay

June 1 – Hearst

May 20 – Dryden

June 3 – Timmins

May 26 – Marathon

June 8 – Pembroke

May 28 – Toronto

June 10 – North Bay

A parallel series of sessions is planned with First Nations and Aboriginal

This initiative is part of the government’s five-year Open Ontario plan to create
jobs and economic opportunities in northern Ontario. The framework contains a
proposal for 5 to 15 new LFMCs that would assume responsibility for the
management, marketing, and sale of wood from Crown forests within their defined
areas. This is the most comprehensive overhaul of the Ontario’s wood allocation
system in decades.

For times and locations of public sessions, click here.

To read the proposed tenure and pricing framework, click here.

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