Canadian Biomass Magazine

Pellet heating plant produces green energy in Finland

May 16, 2013
By Metso

May 16, 2013 – Finland's largest pellet-fired heating plant in Tampere, Finland, is based on a technological solution that is the first of its kind in the country. It will bring new opportunities to gear the structure of Finnish district heat production towards the goals of sustainable development.

The plant, supplied by Metso, is mainly fired with wood pellets and its heat output is around 33
MW. The plant has replaced some of the capacity of the oil and gas-fired boiler
plants and has helped to reduce the CO2 emissions from the production of
district heat. The plant has been producing environmentally friendly energy since December.

"The plant will help us to secure the competitiveness of district heat, lower
CO2 emissions and improve our delivery reliability in the southern region of
Tampere," says Antti-Jussi Halminen, managing director from Tampereen

Metso's delivery comprised a complete turn-key boiler plant solution and Metso
DNA automation system. The new plant operates unmanned with remote monitoring
from the main control room of the Lielahti power plant. Operators are able to control
the district heat production process and quickly respond to changes. The
technology used at the plant is based on the pellet fuel being pulverized in
separate grinding mills and burned in a pulverized combustion boiler. Pulverized
pellet combustion is fairly new to Finland, but Metso has been using it in
Sweden on a smaller scale.

Tampereen Energiantuotanto, a subsidiary of Tampere Power Utility, is
responsible for the group's electricity and district heating production,
maintenance and development. Increasing the proportion of renewable energy
sources is part of Tampere Power Utility's strategy.


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