Canadian Biomass Magazine

Pepco to build DC biomass plant

March 7, 2012
By David Manly

Mar. 7, 2012, Washington, DC - Pepco Holdings Inc. will construct and maintain a new combined heat and power system at a wastewater treatment plant.

Mar. 7, 2012, Washington, DC – Pepco Holdings Inc. will construct and maintain a new combined heat and power system at a wastewater treatment plant.

In an article in the Washington Business Journal, the D.C. Water’s Blue Plains Advance Wastewater
Treatment plant will be the first in North America to utilize its own biomass to power a portion (in this case, 30%) of its electrical needs.

Pepco has been hired to build and maintain a combined
heat-and-power plant for $81 million, and be
paid $89 million over 15 years for on-site operations and maintenance, according to the article. Construction is set to begin this summer and be completed by 2014.

“This project is a major step forward in the way D.C. Water handles
its solid wastes,” said Pepco Energy Services CEO John Huffman. “By
recycling biogas, we will be able to create electricity and steam to
help power then Blue Plains advanced wastewater treatment plant.”

Read more at the Washington Business Journal.

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