Canadian Biomass Magazine

PFI to hold webinar on new pellet standards

April 11, 2011
By Pellet Fuels Institute

Apr. 11, 2011 – The U.S.-based Pellet Fuels Institute is holding a webinar to outline key components of the PFI Standards Program for fuel pellets.

Apr. 11, 2011 – The U.S.-based Pellet
Fuels Institute is holding a webinar to outline key components of the PFI
Standards Program for fuel pellets and highlight the role retailers will play
in the success of the program. PFI initiated redevelopment of its standards in
2005 and will soon be implementing a new program that is slated to be
incorporated by reference into the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Residential Wood Heaters.

PFI Standards Program: Key Information for Retailers
Thursday, April 28th, 2011
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm EDT
The webinar will conclude with a short
question and answer session.

To register for the webinar, please click here.

To date, 21 fuel manufacturers,
representing more than 30 production facilities, have voiced their support of
the PFI Standards Program by signing the Standards Pledge. For more
information on the PFI Standards Program, including a list of all 21
manufacturers who have signed the pledge, visit the standards page on the PFI

If you are interested in pledging your
commitment to the PFI Standards Program, please sign the pledge and return to
Jennifer Hedrick at 703-522-0548 (fax) or

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