Canadian Biomass Magazine

Plans for biomass CHP plant in Scotland

September 27, 2012
By Estover Energy

stoneywood_thumbnail3September 27, 2012, Edinburgh, UK – Estover Energy has submitted plans to build a biomass combined heat and power (CHP) in Aberdeen, Scotland that will supply electricity to the grid as well as heat and electricity to the Stoneywood Paper Mill.

The plant will create up to 40 jobs in Aberdeen: 20 jobs at the plant itself and a further 20 in the local forestry and transport sectors. A further100 or so jobs will be created during construction of the biomass plant which will also support the growth of businesses in and around Stoneywood Mill as well as the local forestry industry.

Two public exhibitions were held earlier this year at the Mill to give local people the opportunity to learn more about the plan to build a local scale biomass CHP plant. Andrew Troup from Estover Energy says the public consultations with the local community were important in terms of identifying any issues of concern.

“The response from the public was overwhelmingly positive. People are keen to ensure the existing business at the mill is protected and also welcomed the creation of 40 new jobs in the initial phase.”

The plant will use clean low-grade wood from local forestry operations to produce electricity and heat in the form of steam. A consortium of local forestry owners will supply sufficient low-grade wood on a sustainable basis, typically low grade wood unsuitable for sawmills and timber production, to the biomass plant.

“This type of wood is one of the best sources of renewable energy: supplying a local industrial operation with energy generated from a local fuel source as well as supplying electricity to the National Grid.

Arjowiggins, the owners of the Stoneywood Mill, believe that this proposal will help to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels thereby reducing its carbon footprint and cutting costs to enable it to remain competitive in the world market.

If successful the power plant would go a long way to improving the sustainability of the Aberdeen paper mill for years to come. The Stoneywood Mill has operated on the same site since 1770 and is the last of five paper mills in the region. Among other products, the mill produces the world-famous Conqueror premium paper.

There is also the possibility that Estover Energy’s combined and heat and power plant could supply district heating to local businesses and housing in the future.

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