Canadian Biomass Magazine

Premium Pellet adds SBP to certifications

March 27, 2017
By Maria Church

March 27, 2017 - Premium Pellet in Vanderhoof, B.C., has become the first pellet producer in Canada to hold both Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) Certification and ENplus/CANplus certification regarding wood pellet quality.

Premium Pellet opened in Vanderhoof

The company received its SBP certification on March 16 after a two-year approval process overseen by PwC.

Robert Tarčon, general manager for Premium Pellet, said the certification gives the company an added layer of proof regarding sustainability.

“SBP certification provides verifiable assurances that woody biomass we procure to produce wood pellets is sourced from legal and sustainable sources. When combined with Premium’s existing PEFC Chain of Custody certification, we are now able to demonstrate full compliance with end user regulatory requirements,” Tarčon said.

The largest multi-national European utilities, such as Drax, RWE, Engie, Dong, E-On, Vatenfall and Horfor are also members in SBP, so having the certification gives Premium another link to its end users, Tarčon said.

The Vanderhoof facility opened in 1999 and today has a 180,000-tonnes/year capacity and employs 24 people. Ninety per cent of Premium’s volumes are shipped to the EU and U.K.

Premium is the second producer in Canada to be SBP certified. Shaw Resources became certified in October 2016.

SBP currently lists 81 certificate holders.

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