Canadian Biomass Magazine

Program allocates funds for biomass installations

July 11, 2012
By Focus on Energy

July 11, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin - Wisconsin residents and businesses that install biogas or biomass-based technology can receive up to $250,000 through a newly formed renewable energy utilities program.

The program, Focus on Energy, is accepting applications until August 29, 2012. William Haas, program director for Focus on Energy, said the newly offered programs will better serve utility rate payers while adding to a mix of other incentive programs already offered in the state.

Through the Renewable Energy Competitive Incentive Program, Wisconsin businesses can apply through a request for proposal (RFP) process that details the stipulations for funding. For the biogas RFP, the applicant may not request more than $2 million. The funding may go towards energy generating equipment and materials, but previously acquired equipment or materials will not qualify for funding. All biogas systems must have an electronic method of measuring and tracking energy production, as well as a data exporting or uploading system. The RFP for biogas projects also encourages the use of biogas cleaning systems, and, methane meters are required.

For the biomass funding, all projects may not exceed $2 million. Like the biogas funding opportunity, only energy generation equipment or materials will be considered as part of the total project funding. Demolishing a wall to install a wood burner where a natural gas furnace could be installed, the RFP document explained, would not be considered eligible for funding. All systems must have energy monitoring methods in place, and, records detailing the fuel source inputs into the system.

All potential projects will be scored on a 100-point scale. The point-scale is divided into five categories, each holding a particular percentage of the total score. Projected first year energy production will account for 15 percent of the total score, financial need for the project will account for 20 percent, the optimization of the project design will count for 15 percent, the life of the project’s savings will account for 10 percent, and, making up the biggest percentage of the point system, cost effectiveness will account for 40 percent of the project's overall score.

To learn more please about the program visit

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