Canadian Biomass Magazine

Registration opens for Atlantic BIOCON

March 8, 2018
By Atlantic BIOCON

March 8, 2018 - Atlantic BIOCON has opened registration for its May 23-24 event in Fredericton that explores Atlantic Canada's cutting edge biorefining technologies and the latest developments in the region and abroad in bioenergy, biofuels, and biorefining in aquaculture, agriculture, marine and forestry.

The Atlantic BIOCON conference is a dynamic two-day conference that sparks discussion and projects that transform our renewable natural resources into business opportunities. These opportunities are part of a vision for a sustainable future and circular economy where Canada’s biomass is used to its full potential. Responsible resource management practices, new innovative technologies, and research and development in our traditional industries are essential elements of this vision. This is the biobased economy.

​Biorefining is a means to a sustainable future where we transform our natural resources into high value products like energy, medicines, bioplastics, and biofuels. Our natural resources are a valuable asset that should be leveraged sustainably and responsibly, and used in ways that yield the most positive impact for our society.

​Atlantic Canada is positioned to be a leader in innovations for the bioeconomy, with dozens of private and public research institutions and hundreds of companies already innovating in the biosciences. Our vast forests, affordable agriculture land, and diversified coastal zones make this region an ideal playground for piloting and scaling up globally disruptive biorefining technologies.

Learn more and register here.

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