Canadian Biomass Magazine

Renewable natural gas, biosolids could profit Cornwall, Ont.’s organic waste plans

May 13, 2021
By Canadian Biomass Magazine

The City of Cornwall, Ont. is studying a few options for consideration in preparation for the province’s projected 2025 ban on organic waste in landfills.

Organic waste would be diverted to the city’s wastewater treatment plant for digestion so that it could be separated into renewable natural gas and biosolids. Both could then be sold.

Two of the options involved using only waste generated from the city. The third option – which would require expansion at the plant – would involve processing organic waste from neighbouring municipalities. It would, however, generate about $3.3 million in revenue compared with $620,000 if the second option was pursued.

To read the full story from the Belleville Intelligencer, click here.

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