Canadian Biomass Magazine

Renewables are slowly growing in the US

May 16, 2012
By David Manly

May 16, 2012 - A new analysis on shows that renewable energy is still struggling to find a foot-hold in the US, with over a dozen states receiving failing reports.

May 16, 2012 – A new analysis on shows that renewable
energy is still struggling to find a foot-hold in the US, with over a
dozen states receiving failing reports.

According to the report, California, Colorado and Massachusetts are the states that have been
friendliest to renewable energy in recent years and earned a "B" on the index. The scores also showed that southeastern states, where electricity is cheaper, lagged substantially behind the rest of the country. Lastly, Indiana and Illinois were noted as the top two states in terms of growth in the sector.

Data was gathered from federal Energy Department data through to 2010 and looks at the amount of energy generated from renewable sources and its growth
rate over three years, as well as savings, incentives and more.

For more information on the report, please see

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