Canadian Biomass Magazine

Report details pyrolysis and syngas markets

October 21, 2011
By Scott Jamieson

Oct 21, 2011 - A new report is available from UK-based Companies and Markets detailing the opportunities and growth in the North American gasification and pyrolysis markets.

The market for gasification and pyrolysis as power-producing
technologies is in its birth stage in North America according to the 71-page report. The first
commercial-scale biomass gasification project is expected to begin
operating in the next two years. Increasing the electricity demand
combined with rising environmental concerns have led governments to
implement incentives and to subsidize to support biomass-generated power
to encourage its development and its growth.

Rising energy prices and the U.S. dependence on foreign oil, is
increasing the likelihood of adopting renewable energy as a likely
alternative to conventional fuel. Syngas and pyrolysis oil production
and distribution will likely reduce North American fossil-fuel

Pyrolysis plants produce transportable oil that can be consumed in
other locations, independently from where it was produced, similarly to
fossil fuels. This characteristic differentiates this type of conversion
technology from other green energy sources. Biomass energy provides an
attractive solution to global warming due to its low greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions, as well as its ability to recycle municipal or
industrial waste products as feedstock.

The biomass gasification and pyrolysis market in North America is
expected to experience high growth during the next few years as a
consequence of increasing government concerns about energy security and
independence. In addition, other factors, such as rising energy prices;
volatility of fuel costs; and government incentives for renewable
energy, are projected to contributed to the acceleration of market

This segment provides a broad level assessment of the total North
American biomass gasification and pyrolysis market. Data is provided on
market overview, scope and definitions, market segmentation, major
industry challenges, drivers and restraints, projects installed and main
market competitors. The report can be purchased here for a mere $6,125.

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