Canadian Biomass Magazine

RICanada launches Ontario ad campaign to spotlight ethanol

September 9, 2019
By Renewable Industries Canada

A new province-wide radio ad launched by Renewable Industries Canada (RICanada), the country’s leading biofuels industry group, supports the Ontario Government’s commitment to increase ethanol blending in the province’s gasoline to 15 per cent (E15) as early as 2025. The ad spotlights ethanol, a clean and renewable fuel, that is already blended in most of the province’s gasoline; and the economic and environmental benefits it provides.

Over 90 per cent of ethanol used in Ontario is made in the province, supporting local jobs and farmers. Ethanol also reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by over 60 per cent compared to gasoline. Increasing the current ethanol blending rate from 10 per cent to 15 per cent would cut pollution, improve air quality, and boost local economies without adding costs for drivers. The United States approved E15 for sale in 2011, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that the fuel is compatible with all cars built in 2001 and later.

The new ad complements RICanada’s continued work to expand domestic production and use of clean, low-carbon biofuels as a way to address climate change and protect the environment. Ontario’s proposed policy, if properly implemented, would make Ontario’s gasoline among the cleanest in the country.

“It’s important now more than ever that we take real, practical steps to improve our environment,” Howard Field, president and CEO of Greenfield Global Inc., said. “Ethanol plays a critical role in energy policy around the world for good reason, it cuts greenhouse gases from gasoline, supports local jobs and farms, and helps drivers save money at the pump. Moving to E15 gives Ontario a very quick and very sustainable way to fight climate change while spurring jobs and innovation – today and well into the future.”

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