Canadian Biomass Magazine

RICanada welcomes the finalization of Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations

July 6, 2022
By Renewable Industries Canada

Renewable Industries Canada (RICanada), the country’s foremost coalition of producers of low carbon renewable fuels and clean technology, welcomes the government’s release of the final Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR). The final CFR marks a major milestone in Canada’s ongoing efforts to decarbonize transportation and combat climate change sustainably.

RICanada has been pleased to be an active participant in the government’s CFR Technical Working Group and public consultations since the policy was announced. Reflected in the final regulations were recommendations to simplify administrative burdens for biofuel feedstocks and the retirement of credits on exported fossil fuels. These important criteria will ensure the CFR reflects the sustainability of Canadian agriculture and aligns with other jurisdictions.

Biofuels are an essential solution to climate change and smart climate policies that support innovation will pave the road to net zero biofuels. The CFR will be instrumental in sending a clear signal to investors that Canada is ready for more clean and more cost-effective low-carbon fuels, like ethanol and biomass-based diesel.

Every year, Canada’s renewable fuel producers create $3.7B in gross economic benefits to our economy and have created over 14,000 jobs since 2007. RICanada’s technical analysis shows that using the CFR GHG calculation methodology, biofuel use in Canada today – including blending ethanol in gasoline and biomass-based diesel in diesel – reduces GHG emissions by 6.1MT annually, the equivalent of taking 1.2 million cars off the road each year.

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