Canadian Biomass Magazine

Rolls-Royce plans to make aircraft engines 100 per cent SAF-compatable by 2023

June 17, 2021
By Canadian Biomass

Rolls-Royce, a British manufacturer of aircraft engines, plans to use more sustainable aviation fuel and invest more in decarbonizing technologies as a means of reaching its goal of zero emissions by 2050.

To achieve its target, the company plans to increase its research and development spending on low carbon and net zero technologies. Currently, research and development spending accounts for about half of its budget. Plans are to increase the amount to 75 per cent by 2025.

Rolls-Royce plans to make its commercial aviation engines to operate on 100 per cent sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2023. SAF produces about 70 per cent less carbon than conventional fuel.

To read the full story from the Financial Post, click here.

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