Canadian Biomass Magazine

Rules finalized for community renewable projects

August 2, 2011
By NS Energy


Rules finalized for community renewable projects

Nova Scotia communities can begin preparing applications to take advantage of the province's plan to encourage locally produced, renewable electricity projects.

Aug. 2, 2011 – Nova Scotia communities can
begin preparing applications to take advantage of the province's plan to
encourage locally produced, renewable electricity projects. The project
standards were released on July 26 after a five-week public consultation. The
standards detail small-wind project specifications and ensure the opportunities
are fairly distributed around the province. They also define eligible biomass

Nova Scotia's 2010 Renewable Electricity Plan calls for 40% of the province's
electricity to be generated from renewable sources such as wind, biomass, and
tidal energy by 2020. A portion of that target has been set aside for small
projects, to be developed by municipalities, Mi'kmaq bands, and other community
groups, through a community feed-in tariff program.

In June 2011, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board set fixed rates for
electricity generated by such projects. The rates will be finalized this

"The plan is to start accepting applications on September 19," says
Energy Minister Charlie Parker. "Groups interested in pursuing this should
register at so that
department staff can help them start preparing their applications over the

The feed-in tariff program will be reviewed in 18 months.

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