Canadian Biomass Magazine

Hear from safety keynote Brad Livingston at WPAC 2018

July 27, 2018
By Wood Pellet Association of Canada

July 27, 2018 - The Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC), together with media partner Canadian Biomass magazine, will hold its AGM and conference at the Marriott Pinnacle Hotel in Vancouver on Sept. 18–19, 2018.

This year’s keynote speaker is Brad Livingston. Brad will share his experience working for natural gas pipeline company and being involved in a potentially life-ending incident on the job that was 100 per cent preventable. During his presentation, the audience will hear words like perspective, attitude, short-cut, pride and complacency. You will learn how each of these played a role in the actions that led to his injuries, and how those injuries have affected every day of the rest of his life.

Since 2014, WPAC members have been dedicated to improving our safety performance. According to Mike Tasker, occupational safety officer with WorkSafeBC, WPAC urgently needed to improve.

Frankly, you weren’t very good,” he said. “Now, you are among the very best. That should cause your chests to swell. You turned that completely around. We pushed you outside of your comfort zone, but the really cool thing is, you did it. And then you started to ask us what we wanted you to do next. There wasn’t just a willingness to reach compliance — the least safe you could be to meet our standards — you started striving for excellence. That, for me, was the TSN Turning Point.”

Now that WPAC’s members have achieved such success, we can’t afford to be complacent. We must continue to improve and reinforce our positive safety culture. That is why we have invited Brad Livingston to speak to us. He will remind us of the impact of accidents on workers and their loved ones and inspire us to reach the goal of being an accident-free industry.

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