Canadian Biomass Magazine

Save the date for WPAC’s annual conference and join us in Ottawa

June 2, 2023
By Wood Pellet Association of Canada

It’s been 25 years since the first shipment of wood pellets left Canada; today our sector is a global powerhouse when it comes to clean, responsible and renewable energy. With the planet’s changing climate, countries have implemented ambitious climate goals and as a result, bioheat from wood pellets has become mainstream around the world.

Don’t miss your chance to join us and our stellar selection of thought leaders at the Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s annual conference in Ottawa Sept. 19-20. The conference will highlight how biomass has moved from niche to mainstream: from Canada to Europe, to Asia, India and beyond. We’ll examine trends and technology and of course focus on the latest safety procedures and resources. Our experts will share the limitless opportunities for wood pellets through innovation and policy change and will explore the next generation of biofuels.

Biomass in brief:

  • Today, nearly three quarters of the world’s renewable energy is from biomass.
  • Bioenergy accounts for about 10 per cent of total final energy consumption and two per cent of global electricity generation.
  • In the United States and the European Union, bioenergy accounts for 60 per cent of all renewable energy.
  • In fact, over the past 20 years, bioenergy, is responsible for the most greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, much in the form of bioheat.
  • Biomass from wood pellets is taking off around the world; providing a responsible solution to local energy needs where coal, oil and other fossil fuels are still being used.

Who should attend?

We expect another year of record attendance from pellet producers, customers, government officials, policy makers and regulators at every level, researchers, safety specialists, logistics personnel and  equipment manufacturers.

Registration opens soon; in the meantime visit our conference website and sign up for upcoming notifications here.

See you there!

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