Canadian Biomass Magazine

Scaling Up 2018 takes place next week in Ottawa

October 30, 2018
By Scaling Up

Oct. 30, 2018 - More than 70 international and Canadian bioeconomy industry leaders and policy makers will head to Ottawa November 5–7 for Scaling Up 2018: Competing in the Global Bioeconomy Market. Scaling Up is the largest industrial bioeconomy conference of its kind in Canada dedicated to advancing the commercialization of bio-based solutions to meet the growing need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Expert panels on financing, government policy, and the role of bio-based solutions in forestry, agriculture, chemicals, and other industries, will focus on the challenges of new technology commercialization, and the extent of the Canadian opportunity to be a significant player in this emerging industrial sector. A new communications panel, which includes Mike De Souza, managing editor of The National Observer, will provide insights on how companies can more effectively communicate their message to both public and private stakeholders.

One of the most popular speakers for the past two years, Green Party leader Elizabeth May, will make a return engagement, and Julie Gelfand, Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Office of the Auditor General of Canada will deliver a keynote address on November 7. Other high profile speakers include Chris Ragan, Chair of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, David Golden, Senior VP at Eastman, and two Assistant Deputy Ministers – one each from Agriculture Canada, and Innovation, Science and Economic Development.

Conference chair, Jeff Passmore has worked internationally in the renewable energy and renewable chemicals space for more than 40 years. In a recent interview with The Future Economy, Passmore said that, given Canada’s vast biomass resource, including 9% of the world’s forests, Canada has great potential to become a leader in the global bioeconomy market.

“We need to make bio-products with Canadian biomass here at home,” Passmore says, adding that the bioeconomy in the developed world is growing by as much as 10% annually. “A bio-based world can accomplish both economic growth and lower carbon emissions.”

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