Canadian Biomass Magazine

Still room to attend pellet logistics workshop

June 25, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

June 25, 2013, Montreal - Registration continues for the workshop on Logistics and Export Strategies in Eastern Canada, to be held in Montreal on July 9 at event sponsor CN's Montreal headquarters. 

The event is designed to look for ways to expand
pellet exports from the region's suppliers. In coming on board as
the event sponsor, CN is offering its venue and other support for this critical

"The Wood Pellet Association of Canada and the Quebec Wood
Export Bureau are pleased by CN's sponsorship of the workshop, which will be
held at the CN headquarters in Montréal. This sponsorship indicates the will of
CN to be a true partner in the logistics development of the wood pellet
industry, as does its involvement as a new associate member of our association",
underlined both Gordon Murray, executive director of the Wood Pellet
Association of Canada and Pierre-Olivier Morency, director of the Wood Pellet
Group at the Quebec Wood Export Bureau and director, market access and
promotion at the Wood Pellet Association of Canada.

As sponsor, Jean-Jacques
Ruest, CN executive vice-president and chief marketing officer added that "CN
is pleased to collaborate with the Wood Pellet Association of Canada and the
Quebec Wood Export Bureau on this event to help grow markets for our wood
pellets customers. We work closely with various stakeholders in the wood pellet
industry, play a key role in wood pellet industry logistics and hope to become
a true supply chain enabler in helping to promote wood pellet exports to
overseas markets from Eastern Canada."

Organized by the
Wood Pellet Association of Canada and the Quebec Wood Export Bureau, this event
will allow industry members to learn, share and discuss issues and
opportunities regarding export strategies in the wood pellet sector.

This initiative is
the result of the associations' belief that the export potential of wood
pellets in Eastern Canada is under-exploited, and problems related to export
logistics are contributing to this situation. This one day workshop will treat
a wide range of topics related to transport issues and will focus on
solutions.  Non-members of the association interested in providing
solutions to our industry are also kindly invited.


The workshop will take place at CN Headquarters – 935 Gauchetière Street West,
Montreal, QC

Tuesday July 9, 2013 from 8:30AM to 4:30PM

The workshop fees are $50 + tx including lunch and breaks.  
The online registration form is available here.



Morency, ing.f., M. Sc.
Directeur | Groupe granules
Bureau de promotion des produits du bois du Québec (QWEB)
Director | Market Access and Promotion
Wood Pellet Association of Canada
Tel.: 418 650-6385

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