Canadian Biomass Magazine

Swedish wood pellet demand falls

April 15, 2013
By Argus Media

April 15, 2013, Stockholm, SE — Swedish wood pellet consumption declined by 9.7pc to 1.7mn t in 2012 from a year before, mainly because of milder weather, which reduced demand for heating and electricity, according to data from the Swedish association of pellet producers PR.

Pellet production by the association's members fell by 11.2pc to 1.2mn t because of lower household and industrial consumption and largely stagnant export demand, which edged up by just 1.3pc to 128,500t.

“Most of the exports went to Denmark. We lost several customers in other countries due to the old age of their machinery that encountered problems with pellets and they switched to conventional fuels,” the association said.

The mild weather also affected imports, which fell by 26.2pc to 490,700t. Imports by non-member companies of the association rose by 588.5pc to 165,900t.

The association has 50 members which own and operate 30 of the largest pellet plants in Sweden. The country has 70 pellet plants in operation.

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