Canadian Biomass Magazine

TTcogen LLC hires lead for biofuel CHP projects

February 16, 2017
By TTcogen LLC

Feb. 16, 2017 - TTcogen LLC has hired Walter Gray III to lead the development of biofuel-powered CHP projects as director of business development.

Gray has over 14 years of international project development, business development, and environmental finance experience in the utility scale renewable and distributed generation markets. Most recently the CEO and Founder of Enthalpic Capital, Mr. Gray was focused on developing a portfolio of waste heat, biogas, biomass and cogeneration projects in the U.S. and Mexico.

Speaking about the addition of Mr. Gray to the TTcogen team, Benjamin Locke, TTcogen Managing Director and Tecogen Co-CEO, noted, “Walter Gray will bring substantial expertise to the project development team at TTcogen. The biogas market for CHP is a new and growing segment and we hope to be aggressive in pursuing opportunities in the category with the TEDOM flexible-fuel product portfolio.”

TTcogen offers a complete package of efficient CHP modules from Czech CHP-manufacturer TEDOM that are fully capable of running on a variety of fuel feedstocks, including biogas – a renewable energy source with a rapidly growing market. Headquartered in the Czech Republic, TEDOM has spent over 25 years pioneering the manufacture of equipment designed for the effective and environmentally friendly utilization of energy fuel resources.

Prior to founding Enthalpic Capital, Mr. Gray led project development initiatives at Neoen in Jamaica, and E.ON Climate & Renewables in Singapore. He also has experience in environmental finance, having served as Country Director (Thailand) for EcoSecurities where he led origination activities for emission reduction purchase agreements under the Kyoto Protocol while also leading project development for biogas projects in Southeast Asia. Mr. Gray holds an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Brown University.

TTcogen LLC is a 50/50 joint venture corporation between packaged combined heat and power (CHP) experts Tecogen Inc. and TEDOM a.s. TTcogen offers a complete package of 27 cutting-edge CHP modules that are fully capable of running on a variety of fuel feedstocks, including natural gas, propane, and renewable natural gas (biofuel). Ranging in size from 35 kW up to 4 MW, the full product portfolio meets the needs of residential, municipal, commercial and industrial customers in need of efficient and environmentally friendly energy solutions.

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