Canadian Biomass Magazine

TTcogen unveils first Micro T35 CHP plant in U.S.

January 31, 2017
By TTcogen LLC

Jan. 31, 2017 -TTcogen LLC, a 50/50 joint venture corporation formed by packaged combined heat and power (CHP) experts Tecogen Inc. and TEDOM a.s., unveiled Friday the first fully installed and operational TEDOM Micro T35 CHP unit in the United States.

Photo source: TTcogen

Attendees including utility representatives, potential customers and expert engineers were treated to a first glimpse of the operational unit as well as an information session highlighting the product’s capabilities, best applications and maintenance profile.

Speaking about the Micro T35, Jiri Jansa, TEDOM Regional Sales Director and TTcogen Managing Director, noted, “The TEDOM Micro T35 has been installed in hundreds of locations around Europe and we are excited to bring this especially compact product to the United States. Because of the Micro’s size and capabilities, it is very appropriate for facilities looking for affordable on-site power solutions.”

In addition to the Micro T35, TTcogen offers a complete package of 27 CHP modules that are fully capable of running on a variety of fuel feedstocks, including renewable natural gas (biofuel). Ranging in capacity from 35 kW up to 4 MW, the full product portfolio addresses the needs of commercial, residential and industrial facilities in every size category.

“TTcogen really is the thought leader in the North American CHP space. Backed by the oldest and most established names in the packaged cogeneration industry, the joint venture is well positioned to deliver a full suite of clean power solutions, vastly expanding the potential market for this technology,” said Benjamin Locke, Tecogen Co-CEO and TTcogen Managing Director.

Cogeneration is a highly efficient and ecologically beneficial method of power production. Because waste heat is recovered from the electric power production process, the systems can achieve fuel energy utilization of up to 95% with minimal losses – efficiency that directly translates into savings for the customer. Electricity generated by a CHP unit can be used by the building in which the machine is situated or it can be supplied to the grid. Waste heat from the CHP unit can be recovered and used to heat the building, to provide hot water, or for process heating. CHP units are also used as emergency sources of electricity in places where an uninterrupted supply is necessary and building resiliency is of paramount importance.

Mr. Jansa added, “We were thrilled with the reception the Micro T35 received and are excited about bringing this to U.S. customers. Due to strong interest, we will be hosting another Micro T35 event in the New York area later this year for those who could not make it to Waltham, MA.”

To attend the event, schedule a free webinar to learn more about the Micro and CHP, or to determine of CHP is right for your building visit or contact our Micro T35 expert Dale Desmarais at 413-315-1778.

TTcogen LLC is a 50/50 joint venture corporation between packaged combined heat and power (CHP) experts Tecogen Inc. and TEDOM a.s. TTcogen offers a complete package of 27 cutting-edge CHP modules that are fully capable of running on a variety of fuel feedstocks, including natural gas, propane, and renewable natural gas (biofuel). Ranging in size from 35 kW up to 4 MW, the full product portfolio meets the needs of residential, commercial and industrial customers in need of efficient and environmentally friendly energy solutions.

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