Canadian Biomass Magazine

U of Sask helping develop Indian ag-biomass

August 6, 2013
By Scott Jamieson

August 6, 2013, Bhubaneswar, India - The Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) has been working on green energy and developing farm equipment that runs on renewable energy. Scientists from the University of Saskatchewan are providing technical know-how.

the first phase we are concentrating on production of biomass, biogas
and biodiesel by using crop waste and agriculture by-products. Producing
ethanol from sugarcane waste is very effective in developed countries
and we are planning to start it soon," said OUAT vice-chancellor,
Manoranjan Kar.

According to an article in the Times of India, the potential to displace fossil fuels is considerable.

Speaking at a workshop to get the process started, A K Dalei, a scientist at the University of
Saskatchewan said that "Unlike India, renewable energy technologies are a
major source of energy in developed countries. Since Canada has
developed the latest technology to use renewable energy, it can provide its
technical support to OUAT for creating green energy from agri-wastes."

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