Canadian Biomass Magazine

U.S. Gain becomes largest supplier of RNG in Oregon

May 20, 2020
By U.S. Gain

U.S. Gain, a leader in development, procurement and distribution of renewable natural gas (RNG) for the transportation and energy markets, has become the largest RNG supplier in Oregon, through supply agreements with Salem Area Mass Transit District, Gresham Sanitary, Heiberg Garbage & Recycling and Pride Disposal. This news comes shortly after U.S. Gain announced their RNG supply agreement with the Port of Seattle for use at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport.

“RNG offers significant greenhouse gas and criterion air pollutant emission reductions, benefitting not only our planet, but also the health and livability for residents in our local communities,” said Alex Schay with the NW Alliance for Clean Transportation. “Additionally, fleets may achieve meaningful cost savings through use of RNG, which may be very helpful during the current economic slow-down, showcasing another way that RNG can make a real difference. We applaud U.S. Gain’s pursuit of opportunities in Oregon.”

“We’re excited to bring RNG to the Oregon market”, said Marten Mills, business development manager for U.S. Gain. “Given the creation of Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, fleets can reduce emissions without compromising their bottom line. I’m honoured to work with leading organizations like Salem Area Mass Transit District, Gresham Sanitary Service, Heiberg Garbage & Recycling and Pride Disposal that are committed to improving quality of life for all of us on the West Coast.”

Salem Area Mass Transit District operates with the vision of making a positive difference by enhancing community livability through innovative, sustainable regional transportation options. Integrating natural gas transit buses was the first step in their quest to become more sustainable. Utilizing RNG in place of traditional natural gas further exemplifies their commitment to emission reudctions. “One of the district’s priorities is sustainability, and this move to RNG allows us to double down on our commitment to be strong environmental stewards,” said board president Ian Davidson. “Public transit has always been a cleaner ride than your run of-the-mill car ride, but with this change, our air will be cleaner and our impact to the global climate system is reduced even further.”

Gresham Sanitary Service, serving the areas of Gresham and Portland, was the first company in Oregon to bring natural gas refuse trucks to their fleet, and as of March 2020, 100 per cent of their primary fleet is now powered by RNG.

Heiberg Garbage & Recycling has a fleet of 11 natural gas refuse trucks powered by RNG that displace over 60,000 gallons of diesel annually. These vehicles also offer noise reductions appreciated by Portland residents they serve.

Pride Disposal has been dedicated to creating clean and safe neighbourhoods for more than 34 years through its fleet of 25 natural gas refuse trucks in Sherwood, Tigard, King City, Beaverton, Durham, Hillsboro, and Washington County communities. A conversion to RNG produces even stronger environmental benefits for their customers.

U.S. Gain continues to invest in RNG development to expand supply for organizations seeking RNG as an alternative fuel and/or renewable thermal energy solution.

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