Canadian Biomass Magazine

UK furniture industry concerned about biomass

May 23, 2012
By David Manly

May 23, 2012 - The Furniture Industry Research Association and the British Furniture Confederation have presented a petition to the Prime Minister that showcases the ever-increasing price of wood due to biomass subsidies for energy producers.

May 23, 2012 – The Furniture Industry Research Association (FIRA) and the
British Furniture Confederation (BFC) have presented a petition to the Prime
Minister that showcases the ever-increasing price of wood due to biomass
subsidies for energy producers.

According to GreenBuildNews, wood prices are skyrocketing from these subsidies, causing furniture producers to be put out of business. Therefore, the furniture industry is calling for a complete stoppage of the subsidies, and a report to assess the damage done to the industry.

“We are not look for any advantage ourselves – only a level playing
field for all those in the market wanting to create value, whether
products or energy, from wood. At the moment there is an imbalance with
the subsidy granted to the power generation industry,”  said the British Furniture Confederation chairman Paul von der Heyde.
For more information on the petition, please see the complete article on GreenBuildNews.

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