Canadian Biomass Magazine

Value-added project receives federal approval

September 30, 2009
By Canadian Biomass


Value-added project receives federal approval
The environmental assessment submitted by Two Feathers Forest Products on July 14, 2009, has been reviewed and accepted by Canada's federal government.

Sept. 30, 2009, Wabigoon
Lake Ojibway Nation, ON – The environmental assessment (EA) submitted by Two Feathers Forest Products (TFFP) on July 14, 2009, has been reviewed and
accepted by Canada's federal government. The approval is a key
milestone for this value-added forestry initiative.

"Our partner communities and the TFFP team are very
happy to see the EA approved," says Terry Favelle, president
of TFFP.

Favelle says there was much interest and discussion at each of the well-attended public open houses held during May
and June 2009. Open houses were held in
each of the three partner First Nations of Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation,
Pikangikum First Nation, and Eagle Lake First Nation, as well as in the adjacent
communities of Dryden, Balmertown, and Vermilion Bay. Project staff and the EA
report authors from Stantec Consulting attended each session, answering questions
and educating the public about both the EA process and specifics of the TFFP

TFFP is a partnership
involving Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake
First Nation, and Finland-based Wood Tech Group Canada. The partnership is
planning to build a value-added forest product facility in the Municipality of
Red Lake and Eagle Lake First Nation. The Red Lake site will house log sorting,
milling, and chipping facilities, as well as a 9.9-MW biomass cogeneration
facility to generate electricity for sale to the Ontario power grid.

Wood processed at the Red
Lake site will be shipped by truck to the Eagle Lake facility. This site will
include a planer mill and assembly facilities for the construction of
prefabricated buildings and other value-added components for distribution to Asian and European markets. The TFFP head office is located at Wabigoon
Lake Ojibway Nation.

"On behalf of the
TFFP team, I wish to thank the many people who have worked to ensure the
successful approval of the EA. This approval provides further acknowledgement
of the benefits for the First Nations communities and our neighbours,"
concluded Favelle.

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