Canadian Biomass Magazine

Weltec Biopower introduces MULTI Mix

May 13, 2013
By Weltec Biopower

weltec_mulitmix_2May 13, 2013 – Weltec Biopower has developed a liquid input system called MULTI Mix that prevents outages and safeguards the technical stability of AD systems.

Weltec Biopower's MULTI
Mix, fibrous and sticky input materials
such as grass silage, solid manure or co-substrates are comminuted, increasing their surface so that it is
suitable for bacteria. It also separates foreign matters like rocks or metals prior to input and decreases the risk of the pumps and agitation systems incurring damage as well as buildup occurring
in the fermenter and in the pipelines.

The retrofittable system is installed between the dosificator and the
fermenters. The substrates are taken from the dosificator and added to the
MULTI Mix where they are mixed
with recirculate. This mashing process is supported by a screw system which roughens the fibres at the
same time. Before the long-fibre substrates and lumpy materials are transported to the macerator and are
effectively comminuted, an upstream process reliably separates the extraneous materials prior to being
conveyed to the pump.

During input in the fermenter, the previously long-fibre substances are optimum size, and are also pre-homogenised by being mixed with the liquid. The fermenter is supplied with the mashed biosuspension.

The company says that MULTI
Mix reduces the risk of floating or sinking layers developing in the fermenter, decreasing the amount of agitation required and the wear and tear of the entire system. The
lower vulnerability to damage results in a significant increase in the pump‘s typical service life, boosting in
turn the system‘s availability.

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