Canadian Biomass Magazine

Western Canada-USA biomass forum

July 12, 2010

July 12, 2010, Calgary – Join more than 20 industry experts in Calgary on July 20, 2010, for “Bioenergy in the West: opportunities for regional Canada-U.S. cooperation in the next wave of the bioenergy economy” forum.

July 12, 2010, Calgary – Join more than 20 industry experts in Calgary on July 20, 2010,
for “Bioenergy in the West: opportunities for regional Canada-U.S. cooperation
in the next wave of the bioenergy economy” forum. Learn about procurement
opportunities and market demand from major buyers, including BC Hydro, Puget
Sound Energy, Seattle City Light, Alaska Energy Authority, and other states and
provinces. Research, innovation, and early-stage commercialization will be
discussed by the Idaho and Pacific Northwest National Labs, Alberta Innovates,
University of British Columbia, and Natural Resources Canada. Hear from
companies who are developing and implementing bioenergy technologies and get an
update on the policy framework in both Canada and USA.

This business and policy forum is organized by the Canadian Consulate
General-Seattle in conjunction with the Pacific Northwest Economic Region
annual conference. Topics include:

Overview of U.S. and Canadian policy framework
Where is the support, what are the priorities for the development and commercialization
of bioenergy facilities and products? Shell in Canada perspective on low-carbon
framework for road transportation fuels.

Showcase of innovative companies
Examples of companies that are developing, servicing, and building cross-border
bioenergy markets.

Research, innovation, and early-stage commercialization
Where are the next generation technologies? Who is doing the innovating, what are the
opportunities for public-private partnerships, practical pathways to
implementation, where is the funding? Presenters include NRCan/CanMet Energy,
Idaho National Lab, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Alberta Innovates, and UBC
Department of Forestry.

Procurement opportunities and market demand
Learn about what’s coming next in technology and market development. Hear about
what’s drawing public and private sector investment in both transportation
fuels and power production. What are the opportunities, issues, and obstacles
from the buyers of technology? Hear from Puget Sound Energy, BC Hydro, Seattle
City Light, Terasen Gas Inc., Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and others who are spending money.

To register:

To see the agenda:

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