Canadian Biomass Magazine

White paper demonstrates pellet heating benefits in Maine

March 18, 2019
By FutureMetrics

March 18, 2019 - The U.S. northeast states consume about 84 per cent of all heating oil used in the U.S. Of those states, Maine is the most heating oil dependent state in the United States.

Maine has an opportunity to dramatically improve its economy by changing how it heats some of the 541,000 households and 41,000 business establishments in the state.

This short paper from FutureMetrics discusses the benefits to Maine’s residents and to the state’s economy if Maine does what many western European nations have done: Formulate a policy that supports a transition from heavy dependence on heating oil to the use of locally produced heating fuel in modern, fully automatic, highly efficient, and environmentally beneficial pellet fueled boilers.

This free white paper and many other can be downloaded from the FutureMetrics website:

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