Canadian Biomass Magazine

White paper offers quantitative review of North America’s forest products industry

July 19, 2023
By FutureMetrics

A new white paper and a new interactive dashboard with a Sankey diagram from FutureMetrics provides a quantitative view of the U.S. and Canadian forest products sector.

There are about 1,850 operating mills in north America that use wood as their primary input to produce products that many of us take for granted.

These products produced from trees are commonplace in the forms of packaging and shipping boxes, lumber and other wood-based construction materials, flooring, furniture, tissue, and many other less obvious uses including the production of wood pellets.

As the white paper and dashboard show, the export pellet sector uses only about 3.2 per cent of the primary harvest directly from the forest. The rest goes to lumber, paper, etc.

The white paper and dashboard are free and can be found at the FutureMetrics website.

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