Canadian Biomass Magazine

Wood pellet safety taking centre stage in Prince George

June 2, 2017
By Wood Pellet Association of Canada

June 2, 2017 - The Wood Pellet Association of Canada’s safety conference and workshop is happing June 13-14 in Prince George.

Topics include:

  • Current wood pellet industry safety performance and priorities
  • Observations and recommendations from WorkSafeBC
  • Safety performance tracking
  • Combustible dust in raw material storage areas
  • Risks and best practices regarding syngas in drum driers
  • Effective practices for human-computer interface
  • Process safety management

Why attend?

  • FIRST-RATE AGENDA: Learn how the pellet industry is continuing to dramatically improve its safety performance
  • NETWORKING: Gain ideas for improving the safety of your operations. Meet with industry peers who can bring a fresh perspective to your safety program and help you find new solutions to difficult problems.
  • IMPROVE PROFITABLITY: It is well-known that the safest companies are also the most profitable.
  • INDUSTRY CULTURE: Too often workers hear management say, “safety is our most important priority” and then see actions that demonstrate the opposite. By attending, you will be able to participate in our collective commitment to make the Canadian wood pellet industry the safest of any country.
  • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Listen to Candace Carnahan – who lost her leg in workplace accident – inspire us to enhance our safety culture, make safety a top priority and commit to making it so – every day. Candace believes that safety is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of life, and she shares her conviction that having the courage to care through standing up for others is a transformational concept.

Who should attend?

  • Operating and maintenance personnel
  • Plant owners and management
  • Engineering consultants
  • Insurance professionals
  • Regulatory authorities

Registration Fees:

$75 plus GST for the June 13 conference day
$25 plus GST for the June 14 process safety management workshop day

Click here to register

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