Canadian Biomass Magazine

World Bioenergy announces themes, extends call

December 2, 2011
By Scott Jamieson

Dec 2, 2011, Jonkoping, Sweden - The 2012 edition of World Bioenergy is taking shape, as organizers today announced the six main themes the conference will highlight, and extended the call for papers a few more weeks.

The call for papers has been extended to December 20, allowing potential speakers more time to submit their abstracts.

Attendees will be able to follow six different themes during the three days, or pin-point sessions of interest across the themes. The main themes are:

World Pellets 2012
A three day "conference in the conference" covering all aspects of pellets, from raw material potentials, via innovative pellets production systems to trade and market development.

Market outlook
What policy and targets for renewable energy are helping to create a demand for sustainable modern bioenergy? Where are the future markets and which will be the most important feedstocks.

Energy Systems
This theme focuses on technical development in the whole bioenergy chain, from harvesting of forest residues to combustion technologies and co-firing.

How will the transport sector evolve within the coming years? Which are the sustainable fuels of tomorrow, how rapid will the market development be and when will we see a majority of green cars and trucks on the market?

Biorefineries with co-production of liquid, gaseous and solid biofuels with power, heat and chemicals for efficient and optimal use of biomass is the way forward. Strategies, business models, and technological choices are numerous.

Sustainability Day
Can we achieve a sustainable market growth for modern bioenergy? How can we support and verify sustainability? The last day of World Bioenergy is dedicated to sustainability. World Bioenergy 2012 closes with a high profile panel debate, focusing on the best way forward for modern sustainable bioenergy.

More details and an event planning tool can be found on the World Bioenergy 2012 website.

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