Canadian Biomass Magazine

World Bioenergy Award 2010

March 12, 2010
By Canadian Biomass


World Bioenergy Award 2010
The World Bioenergy Award is an award for an individual who has made a difference: a business leader, politician, or researcher who has furthered the development of the bioenergy sector in an important way.

Mar. 12, 2010 – The World Bioenergy Award is an award for an individual who has made
a difference: a business leader, politician, or researcher who has furthered the development of the bioenergy sector in a critical way. The
award is a sign that the achievements of this person are of outstanding
importance to the field of bioenergy use.

The award, comprising a statuette and diploma, will be presented on May 25, 2010, at the opening session of the World Bioenergy conference and
exhibition at Elmia in Jönköping, Sweden. After being honoured, the
winner will be expected to give a short speech about her/his
achievements in the bioenergy field to the attending media.

Nominate your candidate before 15 April!

Do you know of someone who deserves the acknowledgement of winning
the World Bioenergy Award? Then nominate this person! Anyone can
nominate a candidate. Individuals in the field of science, business, or
politics, regardless of where in the world they are active, are welcome
as nominees. Just make sure you include a clear and sound explanation
of why you think this person should receive the award. Companies or
organizations cannot be nominated. The nomination process ends on April 15, 2010.

To the nomination form

For more information visit the World Bioenergy Website

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