Canadian Biomass Magazine

WWRH looking to expand

April 30, 2013
By Arrow Lakes News

May 1, 2013, B.C. – The Wood Waste 2 Rural Heat project (WWRH) is asking for opportunities to turn wood waste into heat for the Nakusp community in B.C.

According to an article in the Arrow Lake News, David Dubois, project co-ordinator of WWRH, met in
Nakusp with local chamber of commerce and development professionals to talk about the possibility of starting a Naskup biomass project.

WWRH is a project that
aims to supply 15 per cent of B.C.’s commercial, institutional and
residential energy via biomass thermal (waste wood-generated heat). 

Dubois’ visit was a conversation
about how to start a project in Nakusp, answering questions that the
participants had.
An important first step is to identify people who
are interested in being clients, said Dubois, who gave examples like
hospitals and schools who may be interested in a cheap heating source.
For areas like Nakusp where natural gas – the biggest competitor to
biomass heating in terms of pricing – isn’t used, there are many

Biomass is generally cheaper than other methods of
heating. Where heating costs using natural gas are about $10-11 per GJ and pellets comparable, said Dubois, propane (depending on
delivery costs, etc) is approximately $20-30 per GJ, and electricity
around $22-24 GJ, biomass prices out at around $3-6 per GJ.

For more information on the project visit,

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