Canadian Biomass Magazine

Yukon village’s biomass heating system draws crowds

April 2, 2019
By Ellen Cools

April 2, 2019 – Over 900 people have visited the biomass heating facilities in Teslin, Yukon, where biomass boilers heat ten of the community's major buildings.

According to the CBC, the system has been operating for almost a year, and attracting visitors ever since. The system uses forestry waste, as well as undergrowth, trees and other byproducts of forest clearing for fire prevention. Although it took a few years for the community to see the return on investment, the biomass boilers save 120,000 litres of fuel annually.

The Teslin Tlingit Council, which runs the project, is also working on producing biomass electricity.

The CBC also reports that the Hamlet of Aklavik, N.W.T.,  just received funding to install the same biomass heating system as the one currently operating in Teslin for its recreation centre.

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